Space–Time Slip Interface and Topology Change (ST-SI-TC) method
The ST-SI-TC method is based on ST-SI and ST-TC methods combined.
The ST-SI-TC method is based on ST-SI and ST-TC methods combined.
We first do the thermo-fluid analysis of the flow around the disk brake for a finite set of rotor speeds, and then, with the heat transfer coefficient coming from the… Thermo-fluid analysis and heat conduction analysis of a disk brake
The ST-SI method can handle spinning structure of subdomains without remeshing.
Thermo-fluid analysis of a truck under road condition. In this thermo-fluid analysis, we use a road-surface temperature higher than the free-stream temperature, and a tire-surface temperature that is even higher.… Thermo-fluid analysis of a ground vehicle and its tires
Flapping-wing aerodynamics of an MAV with wing clapping. In the analysis, the wings are brought into an actual contact when they clap. See more details [62].
We present computation for an aortic valve with coronary arteries. The computation demonstrates that the ST-TC method can bring interface-tracking accuracy to fluid mechanics of heart valve, and can do… Fluid mechanics computation of heart valve
The ST-TC method can handle an actual contact between the solid surfaces as an interface-tracking method.