- [ 2]
- T.E. Tezduyar and K. Takizawa, “Space–time computational flow analysis: a chronological catalog of unconventional methods and first-of-its-kind solutions”, Springer (2025)
- [ 1]
- Y. Bazilevs, K. Takizawa, and T.E. Tezduyar, “Computational Fluid–Structure Interaction: Methods and Applications”, Wiley (2013), 10.1002/9781118483565
Times Cited in Scopus: 534
Edited Volumes
- [ 8]
- Y. Bazilevs and K. Takizawa, “Advances in Fluid–Structure Interaction”, Computers & Fluids, 141 (2016) Computers & Fluids, Elsevier
- [ 7]
- Y. Bazilevs and K. Takizawa, “Advances in Computational Fluid–Structure Interaction and Flow Simulation: New Methods and Challenging Computations”, Modeling and Simulation in Science, Engineering and Technology (2016) Springer
- [ 6]
- Y. Bazilevs, K. Takizawa, and T.E. Tezduyar, “Stabilized and Multiscale Methods in Fluid Dynamics Modeling”, Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences, 25 (2015) World Scientific
- [ 5]
- Y. Bazilevs, K. Takizawa, and T.E. Tezduyar, “Computational Fluid Mechanics and Fluid–Structure Interaction”, Computational Mechanics, 54 (2014) Computational Mechanics, Springer
- [ 4]
- Y. Bazilevs, K. Takizawa, and T.E. Tezduyar, “Computational Fluid–Structure Interaction, Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences”, Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences, 23 (2013) World Scientific
- [ 3]
- K. Takizawa, Y. Bazilevs, and T.E. Tezduyar, “Computational Fluid Mechanics and Fluid–Structure Interaction”, Computational Mechanics, 50 (2012) Computational Mechanics, Springer
- [ 2]
- Y. Bazilevs, K. Takizawa, and T.E. Tezduyar, “Computational Fluid Mechanics and Fluid–Structure Interaction”, Journal of Applied Mechanics, 79 (2012) Journal of Applied Mechanics, ASME
- [ 1]
- Y. Bazilevs, K. Takizawa, and T.E. Tezduyar, “Computational Fluid Mechanics and Fluid–Structure Interaction”, Computational Mechanics, 48 (2011) Computational Mechanics, Springer
Journal Articles Indexed by the Web of Science
- [135]
- Y. Liu, Y. Otoguro, K. Takizawa, and T.E. Tezduyar, “Space–Time Isogeometric Analysis of NREL 5MW wind turbine rotor and tower aerodynamics”, Computational Mechanics, published online, doi: 10.1007/s00466-024-02574-1 (2024), 10.1007/s00466-024-02574-1
- [134]
- V.F. Barnabei, A. Castorrini, A. Corsini, F. Rispoli, K. Takizawa, and T.E. Tezduyar, “Variational multiscale computational fluid–structure interaction analysis of Wells turbine passive-adaptive blades”, Computational Mechanics, published online, doi: 10.1007/s00466-024-02576-z (2024), 10.1007/s00466-024-02576-z
- [133]
- T.E. Tezduyar and K. Takizawa, “A chronological catalog of methods and solutions in the Space–Time Computational Flow Analysis: II. Isogeometric analysis”, Computational Mechanics, published online, doi: 10.1007/s00466-024-02535-8 (2024), 10.1007/s00466-024-02535-8
Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection: 1, Times Cited in Scopus: 2
- [132]
- T.E. Tezduyar and K. Takizawa, “A chronological catalog of methods and solutions in the Space–Time Computational Flow Analysis: I. Finite element analysis”, Computational Mechanics, published online, doi: 10.1007/s00466-024-02534-9 (2024), 10.1007/s00466-024-02534-9
Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection: 2, Times Cited in Scopus: 1
- [131]
- T. Kuraishi, Z. Xu, K. Takizawa, T.E. Tezduyar, and T. Kakegami, “Space–time isogeometric analysis of tire aerodynamics with complex tread pattern, road contact, and tire deformation”, Computational Mechanics, published online, doi: 10.1007/s00466-024-02520-1 (2024), 10.1007/s00466-024-02520-1
Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection: 2, Times Cited in Scopus: 2
- [130]
- S. Mikawa, K. Takizawa, Y. Otoguro, T. Terahara, and T.E. Tezduyar, “Local-length-scale calculation in T-splines meshes for complex geometries”, Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences, 34 (2024) 1933–1970, 10.1142/S0218202524500404
- [129]
- T. Kuraishi, K. Takizawa, and T.E. Tezduyar, “A general-purpose IGA mesh generation method: NURBS Surface-to-Volume Guided Mesh Generation”, Computational Mechanics, 75 (2025) 159–169, 10.1007/s00466-024-02496-y
Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection: 2, Times Cited in Scopus: 3
- [128]
- Y. Taniguchi, K. Takizawa, Y. Otoguro, and T.E. Tezduyar, “A hyperelastic extended Kirchhoff–Love shell model with out-of-plane normal stress: II. An isogeometric discretization method for incompressible materials”, Computational Mechanics, 74 (2024) 561–589, 10.1007/s00466-024-02445-9
Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection: 2, Times Cited in Scopus: 2
Abstract: - [127]
- E. Wobbes, Y. Bazilevs, T. Kuraishi, Y. Otoguro, K. Takizawa, and T.E. Tezduyar, “Complex-Geometry IGA Mesh Generation: application to structural vibrations”, Computational Mechanics, 74 (2024) 247–261, 10.1007/s00466-023-02432-6
Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection: 1, Times Cited in Scopus: 1
Abstract: - [126]
- Y. Liu, K. Takizawa, and T.E. Tezduyar, “High-resolution 3D computation of time-periodic long-wake flows with the Carrier-Domain Method and Space–Time Variational Multiscale method with isogeometric discretization”, Computational Mechanics, 74 (2024) 1–22, 10.1007/s00466-023-02419-3
Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection: 5, Times Cited in Scopus: 5
Abstract: - [125]
- K. Takizawa and T.E. Tezduyar, “Space–time flow computation with boundary layer and contact representation: a 10-year history”, Computational Mechanics, 73 (2024) 549–578, 10.1007/s00466-023-02379-8
Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection: 2, Times Cited in Scopus: 2
Abstract: - [124]
- T.E. Tezduyar, K. Takizawa, and Y. Bazilevs, “Isogeometric analysis in computation of complex-geometry flow problems with moving boundaries and interfaces”, Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences, 34 (2024) 7–56, 10.1142/S0218202524400013
Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection: 6, Times Cited in Scopus: 7
Abstract: - [123]
- T.E. Tezduyar and K. Takizawa, “Space–time computational flow analysis: Unconventional methods and first-ever solutions”, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 417 (2023) 116137, 10.1016/j.cma.2023.116137
Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection: 8, Times Cited in Scopus: 8
Abstract: - [122]
- K. Takizawa, Y. Otoguro, and T.E. Tezduyar, “Variational multiscale method stabilization parameter calculated from the strain-rate tensor”, Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences, 33 (2023) 1661–1691, 10.1142/S0218202523500380
Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection: 9, Times Cited in Scopus: 10
Abstract: - [121]
- Y. Bazilevs, K. Takizawa, T.E. Tezduyar, A. Korobenko, T. Kuraishi, and Y. Otoguro, “Computational aerodynamics with isogeometric analysis”, Journal of Mechanics, 39 (2023) 24–39, 10.1093/jom/ufad002
Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection: 10, Times Cited in Scopus: 13
Abstract: - [120]
- T. Terahara, K. Takizawa, R. Avsar, and T.E. Tezduyar, “T-splines computational membrane–cable structural mechanics with continuity and smoothness: II. Spacecraft parachutes”, Computational Mechanics, 71 (2023) 677–686, 10.1007/s00466-022-02265-9
Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection: 9, Times Cited in Scopus: 12
Abstract: - [119]
- T. Terahara, K. Takizawa, and T.E. Tezduyar, “T-splines computational membrane–cable structural mechanics with continuity and smoothness: I. Method and implementation”, Computational Mechanics, 71 (2023) 657–675, 10.1007/s00466-022-02256-w
Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection: 9, Times Cited in Scopus: 14
Abstract: - [118]
- K. Takizawa, Y. Bazilevs, and T.E. Tezduyar, “Isogeometric discretization methods in computational fluid mechanics”, Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences, 32 (2022) 2359–2370, 10.1142/S0218202522020018
Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection: 12, Times Cited in Scopus: 13
Abstract: - [117]
- Y. Liu, K. Takizawa, T.E. Tezduyar, T. Kuraishi, and Y. Zhang, “Carrier-domain method for high-resolution computation of time-periodic long-wake flows”, Computational Mechanics, 71 (2023) 169–190, 10.1007/s00466-022-02230-6
Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection: 11, Times Cited in Scopus: 16
Abstract: - [116]
- T. Kuraishi, Z. Xu, K. Takizawa, T.E. Tezduyar, and S. Yamasaki, “High-resolution multi-domain space–time isogeometric analysis of car and tire aerodynamics with road contact and tire deformation and rotation”, Computational Mechanics, 70 (2022) 1257–1279, 10.1007/s00466-022-02228-0
Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection: 17, Times Cited in Scopus: 25
Abstract: - [115]
- T. Kuraishi, K. Takizawa, and T.E. Tezduyar, “Boundary layer mesh resolution in flow computation with the Space–Time Variational Multiscale method and isogeometric discretization”, Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences, 32 (2022) 2401–2443, 10.1142/S0218202522500567
Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection: 17, Times Cited in Scopus: 21
Abstract: - [114]
- Y. Liu, K. Takizawa, Y. Otoguro, T. Kuraishi, and T.E. Tezduyar, “Flow computation with the space–time isogeometric analysis and higher-order basis functions in time”, Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences, 32 (2022) 2445–2475, 10.1142/S0218202522500579
Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection: 16, Times Cited in Scopus: 21
Abstract: - [113]
- Y. Taniguchi, K. Takizawa, Y. Otoguro, and T.E. Tezduyar, “A hyperelastic extended Kirchhoff–Love shell model with out-of-plane normal stress: I. Out-of-plane deformation”, Computational Mechanics, 70 (2022) 247–280, 10.1007/s00466-022-02166-x
Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection: 17, Times Cited in Scopus: 23
Abstract: - [112]
- T. Terahara, T. Kuraishi, K. Takizawa, and T.E. Tezduyar, “Computational flow analysis with boundary layer and contact representation: II. Heart valve flow with leaflet contact”, Journal of Mechanics, 38 (2022) 185–194, 10.1093/jom/ufac013
Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection: 23, Times Cited in Scopus: 29
Abstract: - [111]
- T. Kuraishi, T. Terahara, K. Takizawa, and T.E. Tezduyar, “Computational flow analysis with boundary layer and contact representation: I. Tire aerodynamics with road contact”, Journal of Mechanics, 38 (2022) 77–87, 10.1093/jom/ufac009
Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection: 19, Times Cited in Scopus: 25
Abstract: - [110]
- T. Kuraishi, S. Yamasaki, K. Takizawa, T.E. Tezduyar, Z. Xu, and R. Kaneko, “Space–time isogeometric analysis of car and tire aerodynamics with road contact and tire deformation and rotation”, Computational Mechanics, 70 (2022) 49–72, 10.1007/s00466-022-02155-0
Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection: 24, Times Cited in Scopus: 29
Abstract: - [109]
- F. Zhang, T. Kuraishi, K. Takizawa, and T.E. Tezduyar, “Wind turbine wake computation with the ST-VMS method and isogeometric discretization: Directional preference in spatial refinement”, Computational Mechanics, 69 (2022) 1031–1040, 10.1007/s00466-021-02129-8
Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection: 14, Times Cited in Scopus: 16
Abstract: - [108]
- T. Kuraishi, F. Zhang, K. Takizawa, and T.E. Tezduyar, “Wind turbine wake computation with the ST-VMS method, isogeometric discretization and multidomain method: II. Spatial and temporal resolution”, Computational Mechanics, 68 (2021) 175–184, 10.1007/s00466-021-02025-1
Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection: 19, Times Cited in Scopus: 24
Abstract: - [107]
- T. Kuraishi, F. Zhang, K. Takizawa, and T.E. Tezduyar, “Wind turbine wake computation with the ST-VMS method, isogeometric discretization and multidomain method: I. Computational framework”, Computational Mechanics, 68 (2021) 113–130, 10.1007/s00466-021-02022-4
Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection: 19, Times Cited in Scopus: 23
Abstract: - [106]
- L. Aydinbakar, K. Takizawa, T.E. Tezduyar, and T. Kuraishi, “Space–time VMS isogeometric analysis of the Taylor–Couette flow”, Computational Mechanics, 67 (2021) 1515–1541, 10.1007/s00466-021-02004-6
Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection: 26, Times Cited in Scopus: 30
Abstract: - [105]
- L. Aydinbakar, K. Takizawa, T.E. Tezduyar, and D. Matsuda, “U-duct turbulent-flow computation with the ST-VMS method and isogeometric discretization”, Computational Mechanics, 67 (2021) 823–843, 10.1007/s00466-020-01965-4
Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection: 24, Times Cited in Scopus: 29
Abstract: - [104]
- P. Tonon, R.A.K. Sanches, K. Takizawa, and T.E. Tezduyar, “A linear-elasticity-based mesh moving method with no cycle-to-cycle accumulated distortion”, Computational Mechanics, 67 (2021) 413–434, 10.1007/s00466-020-01941-y
Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection: 20, Times Cited in Scopus: 24
Abstract: - [103]
- Y. Bazilevs, K. Takizawa, M.C.H. Wu, T. Kuraishi, R. Avsar, Z. Xu, and T.E. Tezduyar, “Gas turbine computational flow and structure analysis with isogeometric discretization and a complex-geometry mesh generation method”, Computational Mechanics, 67 (2021) 57–84, 10.1007/s00466-020-01919-w
Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection: 48, Times Cited in Scopus: 56
Abstract: - [102]
- Y. Otoguro, H. Mochizuki, K. Takizawa, and T.E. Tezduyar, “Space–time variational multiscale isogeometric analysis of a tsunami-shelter vertical-axis wind turbine”, Computational Mechanics, 66 (2020) 1443–1460, 10.1007/s00466-020-01910-5
Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection: 38, Times Cited in Scopus: 45
Abstract: - [101]
- Y. Ueda, Y. Otoguro, K. Takizawa, and T.E. Tezduyar, “Element-splitting-invariant local-length-scale calculation in B-spline meshes for complex geometries”, Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences, 30 (2020) 2139–2174, 10.1142/S0218202520500402
Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection: 20, Times Cited in Scopus: 23
Abstract: - [100]
- K. Takizawa, T.E. Tezduyar, and R. Avsar, “A low-distortion mesh moving method based on fiber-reinforced hyperelasticity and optimized zero-stress state”, Computational Mechanics, 65 (2020) 1567–1591, 10.1007/s00466-020-01835-z
Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection: 31, Times Cited in Scopus: 37
Abstract: - [99]
- A. Castorrini, P. Venturini, A. Corsini, F. Rispoli, K. Takizawa, and T.E. Tezduyar, “Computational analysis of particle-laden-airflow erosion and experimental verification”, Computational Mechanics, 65 (2020) 1549–1565, 10.1007/s00466-020-01834-0
Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection: 13, Times Cited in Scopus: 14
Abstract: - [98]
- T. Terahara, K. Takizawa, T.E. Tezduyar, A. Tsushima, and K. Shiozaki, “Ventricle-valve-aorta flow analysis with the Space–Time Isogeometric Discretization and Topology Change”, Computational Mechanics, 65 (2020) 1343–1363, 10.1007/s00466-020-01822-4
Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection: 60, Times Cited in Scopus: 65
Abstract: - [97]
- T. Terahara, K. Takizawa, T.E. Tezduyar, Y. Bazilevs, and M.-C. Hsu, “Heart valve isogeometric sequentially-coupled FSI analysis with the space–time topology change method”, Computational Mechanics, 65 (2020) 1167–1187, 10.1007/s00466-019-01813-0
Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection: 64, Times Cited in Scopus: 75
Abstract: - [96]
- Y. Otoguro, K. Takizawa, and T.E. Tezduyar, “Element length calculation in B-spline meshes for complex geometries”, Computational Mechanics, 65 (2020) 1085–1103, 10.1007/s00466-019-01809-w
Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection: 35, Times Cited in Scopus: 40
Abstract: - [95]
- K. Takizawa, Y. Ueda, and T.E. Tezduyar, “A node-numbering-invariant directional length scale for simplex elements”, Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences, 29 (2019) 2719–2753, 10.1142/S0218202519500581
Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection: 31, Times Cited in Scopus: 35
Abstract: - [94]
- Y. Yu, Y.J. Zhang, K. Takizawa, T.E. Tezduyar, and T. Sasaki, “Anatomically realistic lumen motion representation in patient-specific space–time isogeometric flow analysis of coronary arteries with time-dependent medical-image data”, Computational Mechanics, 65 (2020) 395–404, 10.1007/s00466-019-01774-4
Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection: 34, Times Cited in Scopus: 39
Abstract: - [93]
- T. Kuraishi, K. Takizawa, and T.E. Tezduyar, “Space–time computational analysis of tire aerodynamics with actual geometry, road contact, tire deformation, road roughness and fluid film”, Computational Mechanics, 64 (2019) 1699–1718, 10.1007/s00466-019-01746-8
Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection: 43, Times Cited in Scopus: 53
Abstract: - [92]
- Y. Otoguro, K. Takizawa, T.E. Tezduyar, K. Nagaoka, R. Avsar, and Y. Zhang, “Space–time VMS flow analysis of a turbocharger turbine with isogeometric discretization: computations with time-dependent and steady-inflow representations of the intake/exhaust cycle”, Computational Mechanics, 64 (2019) 1403–1419, 10.1007/s00466-019-01722-2
Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection: 51, Times Cited in Scopus: 56
Abstract: - [91]
- A. Castorrini, A. Corsini, F. Rispoli, P. Venturini, K. Takizawa, and T.E. Tezduyar, “Computational analysis of performance deterioration of a wind turbine blade strip subjected to environmental erosion”, Computational Mechanics, 64 (2019) 1133–1153, 10.1007/s00466-019-01697-0
Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection: 45, Times Cited in Scopus: 48
Abstract: - [90]
- Y. Bazilevs, K. Takizawa, and T.E. Tezduyar, “Computational analysis methods for complex unsteady flow problems”, Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences, 29 (2019) 825–838, 10.1142/S0218202519020020
Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection: 26, Times Cited in Scopus: 29
Abstract: - [89]
- T. Sasaki, K. Takizawa, and T.E. Tezduyar, “Medical-image-based aorta modeling with zero-stress-state estimation”, Computational Mechanics, 64 (2019) 249–271, 10.1007/s00466-019-01669-4
Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection: 37, Times Cited in Scopus: 44
Abstract: - [88]
- A. Castorrini, A. Corsini, F. Rispoli, K. Takizawa, and T.E. Tezduyar, “A stabilized ALE method for computational fluid–structure interaction analysis of passive morphing in turbomachinery”, Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences, 29 (2019) 967–994, 10.1142/S0218202519410057
Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection: 34, Times Cited in Scopus: 44
Abstract: - [87]
- T. Kuraishi, K. Takizawa, and T.E. Tezduyar, “Space–Time Isogeometric flow analysis with built-in Reynolds-equation limit”, Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences, 29 (2019) 871–904, 10.1142/S0218202519410021
Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection: 42, Times Cited in Scopus: 50
Abstract: - [86]
- T. Kanai, K. Takizawa, T.E. Tezduyar, K. Komiya, M. Kaneko, K. Hirota, M. Nohmi, T. Tsuneda, M. Kawai, and M. Isono, “Methods for computation of flow-driven string dynamics in a pump and residence time”, Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences, 29 (2019) 839–870, 10.1142/S021820251941001X
Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection: 40, Times Cited in Scopus: 50
Abstract: - [85]
- T. Sasaki, K. Takizawa, and T.E. Tezduyar, “Aorta zero-stress state modeling with T-spline discretization”, Computational Mechanics, 63 (2019) 1315–1331, 10.1007/s00466-018-1651-0
Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection: 32, Times Cited in Scopus: 38
Abstract: - [84]
- T. Kuraishi, K. Takizawa, and T.E. Tezduyar, “Tire aerodynamics with actual tire geometry, road contact and tire deformation”, Computational Mechanics, 63 (2019) 1165–1185, 10.1007/s00466-018-1642-1
Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection: 62, Times Cited in Scopus: 72
Abstract: - [83]
- A. Korobenko, Y. Bazilevs, K. Takizawa, and T.E. Tezduyar, “Computer modeling of wind turbines: 1. ALE-VMS and ST-VMS aerodynamic and FSI analysis”, Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering, 26 (2019) 1059–1099, 10.1007/s11831-018-9292-1
Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection: 44, Times Cited in Scopus: 55
Abstract: - [82]
- T.E. Tezduyar and K. Takizawa, “Space–time computations in practical engineering applications: a summary of the 25-year history”, Computational Mechanics, 63 (2019) 747–753, 10.1007/s00466-018-1620-7
Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection: 49, Times Cited in Scopus: 61
Abstract: - [81]
- K. Takizawa, T.E. Tezduyar, and T. Sasaki, “Isogeometric hyperelastic shell analysis with out-of-plane deformation mapping”, Computational Mechanics, 63 (2019) 681–700, 10.1007/s00466-018-1616-3
Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection: 50, Times Cited in Scopus: 58
Abstract: - [80]
- T. Kanai, K. Takizawa, T.E. Tezduyar, T. Tanaka, and A. Hartmann, “Compressible-flow geometric-porosity modeling and spacecraft parachute computation with isogeometric discretization”, Computational Mechanics, 63 (2019) 301–321, 10.1007/s00466-018-1595-4
Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection: 74, Times Cited in Scopus: 88
Abstract: - [79]
- Y. Otoguro, K. Takizawa, T.E. Tezduyar, K. Nagaoka, and S. Mei, “Turbocharger turbine and exhaust manifold flow computation with the Space–Time Variational Multiscale Method and Isogeometric Analysis”, Computers & Fluids, 179 (2019) 764–776, 10.1016/j.compfluid.2018.05.019
Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection: 52, Times Cited in Scopus: 60
Abstract: - [78]
- K. Takizawa, T.E. Tezduyar, H. Uchikawa, T. Terahara, T. Sasaki, and A. Yoshida, “Mesh refinement influence and cardiac-cycle flow periodicity in aorta flow analysis with isogeometric discretization”, Computers & Fluids, 179 (2019) 790–798, 10.1016/j.compfluid.2018.05.025
Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection: 61, Times Cited in Scopus: 69
Abstract: - [77]
- K. Takizawa, T.E. Tezduyar, and Y. Otoguro, “Stabilization and discontinuity-capturing parameters for space–time flow computations with finite element and isogeometric discretizations”, Computational Mechanics, 62 (2018) 1169–1186, 10.1007/s00466-018-1557-x
Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection: 76, Times Cited in Scopus: 87
Abstract: - [76]
- Y. Otoguro, K. Takizawa, and T.E. Tezduyar, “Space–time VMS computational flow analysis with isogeometric discretization and a general-purpose NURBS mesh generation method”, Computers & Fluids, 158 (2017) 189–200, 10.1016/j.compfluid.2017.04.017
Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection: 61, Times Cited in Scopus: 75
Abstract: - [75]
- K. Takizawa, T.E. Tezduyar, and T. Kanai, “Porosity models and computational methods for compressible-flow aerodynamics of parachutes with geometric porosity”, Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences, 27 (2017) 771–806, 10.1142/S0218202517500166
Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection: 73, Times Cited in Scopus: 86
Abstract: - [74]
- K. Takizawa, T.E. Tezduyar, T. Terahara, and T. Sasaki, “Heart valve flow computation with the integrated Space–Time VMS, Slip Interface, Topology Change and Isogeometric Discretization methods”, Computers & Fluids, 158 (2017) 176–188, 10.1016/j.compfluid.2016.11.012
Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection: 79, Times Cited in Scopus: 95
Abstract: - [73]
- K. Takizawa, T.E. Tezduyar, and T. Sasaki, “Aorta modeling with the element-based zero-stress state and isogeometric discretization”, Computational Mechanics, 59 (2017) 265–280, 10.1007/s00466-016-1344-5
Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection: 36, Times Cited in Scopus: 40
Abstract: - [72]
- A. Castorrini, A. Corsini, F. Rispoli, P. Venturini, K. Takizawa, and T.E. Tezduyar, “Computational analysis of wind-turbine blade rain erosion”, Computers & Fluids, 141 (2016) 175–183, 10.1016/j.compfluid.2016.08.013
Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection: 72, Times Cited in Scopus: 75
Abstract: - [71]
- K. Takizawa, T.E. Tezduyar, and T. Terahara, “Ram-air parachute structural and fluid mechanics computations with the space–time isogeometric analysis (ST-IGA)”, Computers & Fluids, 141 (2016) 191–200, 10.1016/j.compfluid.2016.05.027
Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection: 74, Times Cited in Scopus: 93
Abstract: - [70]
- K. Takizawa, T.E. Tezduyar, S. Asada, and T. Kuraishi, “Space–time method for flow computations with slip interfaces and topology changes (ST-SI-TC)”, Computers & Fluids, 141 (2016) 124–134, 10.1016/j.compfluid.2016.05.006
Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection: 58, Times Cited in Scopus: 68
Abstract: - [69]
- K. Takizawa, T.E. Tezduyar, Y. Otoguro, T. Terahara, T. Kuraishi, and H. Hattori, “Turbocharger flow computations with the Space–Time Isogeometric Analysis (ST-IGA)”, Computers & Fluids, 142 (2017) 15–20, 10.1016/j.compfluid.2016.02.021
Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection: 95, Times Cited in Scopus: 111
Abstract: - [68]
- K. Takizawa, T.E. Tezduyar, and H. Hattori, “Computational analysis of flow-driven string dynamics in turbomachinery”, Computers & Fluids, 142 (2017) 109–117, 10.1016/j.compfluid.2016.02.019
Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection: 51, Times Cited in Scopus: 60
Abstract: - [67]
- K. Takizawa, T.E. Tezduyar, T. Kuraishi, S. Tabata, and H. Takagi, “Computational thermo-fluid analysis of a disk brake”, Computational Mechanics, 57 (2016) 965–977, 10.1007/s00466-016-1272-4
Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection: 72, Times Cited in Scopus: 87
Abstract: - [66]
- Y. Bazilevs, K. Takizawa, and T.E. Tezduyar, “New directions and challenging computations in fluid dynamics modeling with stabilized and multiscale methods”, Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences, 25 (2015) 2217–2226, 10.1142/S0218202515020029
Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection: 61, Times Cited in Scopus: 69
Abstract: - [65]
- K. Takizawa, T.E. Tezduyar, H. Mochizuki, H. Hattori, S. Mei, L. Pan, and K. Montel, “Space–time VMS method for flow computations with slip interfaces (ST-SI)”, Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences, 25 (2015) 2377–2406, 10.1142/S0218202515400126
Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection: 97, Times Cited in Scopus: 115
Abstract: - [64]
- K. Takizawa, T.E. Tezduyar, and T. Kuraishi, “Multiscale ST methods for thermo-fluid analysis of a ground vehicle and its tires”, Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences, 25 (2015) 2227–2255, 10.1142/S0218202515400072
Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection: 105, Times Cited in Scopus: 125
Abstract: - [63]
- K. Takizawa, T.E. Tezduyar, and R. Kolesar, “FSI modeling of the Orion spacecraft drogue parachutes”, Computational Mechanics, 55 (2015) 1167–1179, 10.1007/s00466-014-1108-z
Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection: 61, Times Cited in Scopus: 75
Abstract: - [62]
- K. Takizawa, T.E. Tezduyar, and A. Buscher, “Space–time computational analysis of MAV flapping-wing aerodynamics with wing clapping”, Computational Mechanics, 55 (2015) 1131–1141, 10.1007/s00466-014-1095-0
Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection: 89, Times Cited in Scopus: 101
Abstract: - [61]
- K. Takizawa, T.E. Tezduyar, C. Boswell, Y. Tsutsui, and K. Montel, “Special methods for aerodynamic-moment calculations from parachute FSI modeling”, Computational Mechanics, 55 (2015) 1059–1069, 10.1007/s00466-014-1074-5
Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection: 61, Times Cited in Scopus: 69
Abstract: - [60]
- K. Takizawa, T.E. Tezduyar, R. Kolesar, C. Boswell, T. Kanai, and K. Montel, “Multiscale methods for gore curvature calculations from FSI modeling of spacecraft parachutes”, Computational Mechanics, 54 (2014) 1461–1476, 10.1007/s00466-014-1069-2
Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection: 54, Times Cited in Scopus: 62
Abstract: - [59]
- A. Corsini, F. Rispoli, A.G. Sheard, K. Takizawa, T.E. Tezduyar, and P. Venturini, “A variational multiscale method for particle-cloud tracking in turbomachinery flows”, Computational Mechanics, 54 (2014) 1191–1202, 10.1007/s00466-014-1050-0
Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection: 41, Times Cited in Scopus: 46
Abstract: - [58]
- K. Takizawa, R. Torii, H. Takagi, T.E. Tezduyar, and X.Y. Xu, “Coronary arterial dynamics computation with medical-image-based time-dependent anatomical models and element-based zero-stress state estimates”, Computational Mechanics, 54 (2014) 1047–1053, 10.1007/s00466-014-1049-6
Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection: 36, Times Cited in Scopus: 41
Abstract: - [57]
- K. Takizawa, T.E. Tezduyar, C. Boswell, R. Kolesar, and K. Montel, “FSI modeling of the reefed stages and disreefing of the Orion spacecraft parachutes”, Computational Mechanics, 54 (2014) 1203–1220, 10.1007/s00466-014-1052-y
Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection: 66, Times Cited in Scopus: 77
Abstract: - [56]
- K. Takizawa, T.E. Tezduyar, A. Buscher, and S. Asada, “Space–time fluid mechanics computation of heart valve models”, Computational Mechanics, 54 (2014) 973–986, 10.1007/s00466-014-1046-9
Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection: 101, Times Cited in Scopus: 112
Abstract: - [55]
- H. Suito, K. Takizawa, V.Q.H. Huynh, D. Sze, and T. Ueda, “FSI analysis of the blood flow and geometrical characteristics in the thoracic aorta”, Computational Mechanics, 54 (2014) 1035–1045, 10.1007/s00466-014-1017-1
Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection: 75, Times Cited in Scopus: 81
Abstract: - [54]
- K. Takizawa, “Computational engineering analysis with the new-generation space–time methods”, Computational Mechanics, 54 (2014) 193–211, 10.1007/s00466-014-0999-z
Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection: 84, Times Cited in Scopus: 98
Abstract: - [53]
- Y. Bazilevs, K. Takizawa, T.E. Tezduyar, M.-C. Hsu, N. Kostov, and S. McIntyre, “Aerodynamic and FSI analysis of wind turbines with the ALE-VMS and ST-VMS methods”, Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering, 21 (2014) 359–398, 10.1007/s11831-014-9119-7
Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection: 96, Times Cited in Scopus: 113
Abstract: - [52]
- K. Takizawa, Y. Bazilevs, T.E. Tezduyar, M.-C. Hsu, O. Øiseth, K.M. Mathisen, N. Kostov, and S. McIntyre, “Engineering analysis and design with ALE-VMS and space–time methods”, Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering, 21 (2014) 481–508, 10.1007/s11831-014-9113-0
Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection: 92, Times Cited in Scopus: 105
Abstract: - [51]
- K. Takizawa, Y. Bazilevs, T.E. Tezduyar, C.C. Long, A.L. Marsden, and K. Schjodt, “ST and ALE-VMS methods for patient-specific cardiovascular fluid mechanics modeling”, Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences, 24 (2014) 2437–2486, 10.1142/S0218202514500250
Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection: 96, Times Cited in Scopus: 109
Abstract: - [50]
- K. Takizawa, T.E. Tezduyar, and N. Kostov, “Sequentially-coupled space–time FSI analysis of bio-inspired flapping-wing aerodynamics of an MAV”, Computational Mechanics, 54 (2014) 213–233, 10.1007/s00466-014-0980-x
Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection: 90, Times Cited in Scopus: 103
Abstract: - [49]
- K. Takizawa, T.E. Tezduyar, A. Buscher, and S. Asada, “Space–time interface-tracking with topology change (ST-TC)”, Computational Mechanics, 54 (2014) 955–971, 10.1007/s00466-013-0935-7
Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection: 111, Times Cited in Scopus: 129
Abstract: - [48]
- K. Takizawa, H. Takagi, T.E. Tezduyar, and R. Torii, “Estimation of element-based zero-stress state for arterial FSI computations”, Computational Mechanics, 54 (2014) 895–910, 10.1007/s00466-013-0919-7
Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection: 45, Times Cited in Scopus: 49
Abstract: - [47]
- K. Takizawa and T.E. Tezduyar, “Space–time computation techniques with continuous representation in time (ST-C)”, Computational Mechanics, 53 (2014) 91–99, 10.1007/s00466-013-0895-y
Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection: 71, Times Cited in Scopus: 84
Abstract: - [46]
- K. Takizawa, T.E. Tezduyar, J. Boben, N. Kostov, C. Boswell, and A. Buscher, “Fluid–structure interaction modeling of clusters of spacecraft parachutes with modified geometric porosity”, Computational Mechanics, 52 (2013) 1351–1364, 10.1007/s00466-013-0880-5
Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection: 98, Times Cited in Scopus: 111
Abstract: - [45]
- K. Takizawa, T.E. Tezduyar, S. McIntyre, N. Kostov, R. Kolesar, and C. Habluetzel, “Space–time VMS computation of wind-turbine rotor and tower aerodynamics”, Computational Mechanics, 53 (2014) 1–15, 10.1007/s00466-013-0888-x
Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection: 114, Times Cited in Scopus: 129
Abstract: - [44]
- K. Takizawa and T.E. Tezduyar, “Bringing them down safely”, Mechanical Engineering, 134 (2012) 34–37
Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection: 8
- [43]
- K. Takizawa, B. Henicke, A. Puntel, N. Kostov, and T.E. Tezduyar, “Computer modeling techniques for flapping-wing aerodynamics of a locust”, Computers & Fluids, 85 (2013) 125–134, 10.1016/j.compfluid.2012.11.008
Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection: 70, Times Cited in Scopus: 76
Abstract: - [42]
- Y. Bazilevs, K. Takizawa, and T.E. Tezduyar, “Challenges and directions in computational fluid–structure interaction”, Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences, 23 (2013) 215–221, 10.1142/S0218202513400010
Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection: 108, Times Cited in Scopus: 120
Abstract: - [41]
- K. Takizawa, K. Schjodt, A. Puntel, N. Kostov, and T.E. Tezduyar, “Patient-specific computational analysis of the influence of a stent on the unsteady flow in cerebral aneurysms”, Computational Mechanics, 51 (2013) 1061–1073, 10.1007/s00466-012-0790-y
Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection: 79, Times Cited in Scopus: 95
Abstract: - [40]
- K. Takizawa, D. Montes, S. McIntyre, and T.E. Tezduyar, “Space–time VMS methods for modeling of incompressible flows at high Reynolds numbers”, Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences, 23 (2013) 223–248, 10.1142/s0218202513400022
Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection: 75, Times Cited in Scopus: 90
Abstract: - [39]
- K. Takizawa, D. Montes, M. Fritze, S. McIntyre, J. Boben, and T.E. Tezduyar, “Methods for FSI modeling of spacecraft parachute dynamics and cover separation”, Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences, 23 (2013) 307–338, 10.1142/S0218202513400058
Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection: 93, Times Cited in Scopus: 116
Abstract: - [38]
- K. Takizawa, M. Fritze, D. Montes, T. Spielman, and T.E. Tezduyar, “Fluid–structure interaction modeling of ringsail parachutes with disreefing and modified geometric porosity”, Computational Mechanics, 50 (2012) 835–854, 10.1007/s00466-012-0761-3
Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection: 73, Times Cited in Scopus: 81
Abstract: - [37]
- K. Takizawa, K. Schjodt, A. Puntel, N. Kostov, and T.E. Tezduyar, “Patient-specific computer modeling of blood flow in cerebral arteries with aneurysm and stent”, Computational Mechanics, 50 (2012) 675–686, 10.1007/s00466-012-0760-4
Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection: 81, Times Cited in Scopus: 91
Abstract: - [36]
- K. Takizawa, N. Kostov, A. Puntel, B. Henicke, and T.E. Tezduyar, “Space–time computational analysis of bio-inspired flapping-wing aerodynamics of a micro aerial vehicle”, Computational Mechanics, 50 (2012) 761–778, 10.1007/s00466-012-0758-y
Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection: 100, Times Cited in Scopus: 110
Abstract: - [35]
- K. Takizawa, B. Henicke, A. Puntel, N. Kostov, and T.E. Tezduyar, “Space–time techniques for computational aerodynamics modeling of flapping wings of an actual locust”, Computational Mechanics, 50 (2012) 743–760, 10.1007/s00466-012-0759-x
Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection: 103, Times Cited in Scopus: 119
Abstract: - [34]
- Y. Bazilevs, M.-C. Hsu, K. Takizawa, and T.E. Tezduyar, “ALE-VMS and ST-VMS methods for computer modeling of wind-turbine rotor aerodynamics and fluid–structure interaction”, Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences, 22 (2012) 1230002, 10.1142/S0218202512300025
Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection: 138, Times Cited in Scopus: 156
Abstract: - [33]
- K. Takizawa and T.E. Tezduyar, “Space–time fluid–structure interaction methods”, Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences, 22 (2012) 1230001, 10.1142/S0218202512300013
Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection: 147, Times Cited in Scopus: 163
Abstract: - [32]
- K. Takizawa, Y. Bazilevs, and T.E. Tezduyar, “Space–time and ALE-VMS techniques for patient-specific cardiovascular fluid–structure interaction modeling”, Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering, 19 (2012) 171–225, 10.1007/s11831-012-9071-3
Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection: 157, Times Cited in Scopus: 179
Abstract: - [31]
- K. Takizawa and T.E. Tezduyar, “Computational methods for parachute fluid–structure interactions”, Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering, 19 (2012) 125–169, 10.1007/s11831-012-9070-4
Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection: 134, Times Cited in Scopus: 157
Abstract: - [30]
- K. Takizawa, B. Henicke, A. Puntel, T. Spielman, and T.E. Tezduyar, “Space–time computational techniques for the aerodynamics of flapping wings”, Journal of Applied Mechanics, 79 (2012) 010903, 10.1115/1.4005073
Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection: 110, Times Cited in Scopus: 134
Abstract: - [29]
- K. Takizawa, T. Brummer, T.E. Tezduyar, and P.R. Chen, “A comparative study based on patient-specific fluid–structure interaction modeling of cerebral aneurysms”, Journal of Applied Mechanics, 79 (2012) 010908, 10.1115/1.4005071
Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection: 35, Times Cited in Scopus: 42
Abstract: - [28]
- K. Takizawa, T. Spielman, C. Moorman, and T.E. Tezduyar, “Fluid–structure interaction modeling of spacecraft parachutes for simulation-based design”, Journal of Applied Mechanics, 79 (2012) 010907, 10.1115/1.4005070
Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection: 34, Times Cited in Scopus: 50
Abstract: - [27]
- M. Manguoglu, K. Takizawa, A.H. Sameh, and T.E. Tezduyar, “A parallel sparse algorithm targeting arterial fluid mechanics computations”, Computational Mechanics, 48 (2011) 377–384, 10.1007/s00466-011-0619-0
Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection: 28, Times Cited in Scopus: 31
Abstract: - [26]
- K. Takizawa, B. Henicke, D. Montes, T.E. Tezduyar, M.-C. Hsu, and Y. Bazilevs, “Numerical-performance studies for the stabilized space–time computation of wind-turbine rotor aerodynamics”, Computational Mechanics, 48 (2011) 647–657, 10.1007/s00466-011-0614-5
Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection: 109, Times Cited in Scopus: 129
Abstract: - [25]
- K. Takizawa, T. Spielman, and T.E. Tezduyar, “Space–time FSI modeling and dynamical analysis of spacecraft parachutes and parachute clusters”, Computational Mechanics, 48 (2011) 345–364, 10.1007/s00466-011-0590-9
Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection: 73, Times Cited in Scopus: 86
Abstract: - [24]
- K. Takizawa, B. Henicke, T.E. Tezduyar, M.-C. Hsu, and Y. Bazilevs, “Stabilized space–time computation of wind-turbine rotor aerodynamics”, Computational Mechanics, 48 (2011) 333–344, 10.1007/s00466-011-0589-2
Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection: 113, Times Cited in Scopus: 127
Abstract: - [23]
- K. Takizawa and T.E. Tezduyar, “Multiscale space–time fluid–structure interaction techniques”, Computational Mechanics, 48 (2011) 247–267, 10.1007/s00466-011-0571-z
Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection: 224, Times Cited in Scopus: 257
Abstract: - [22]
- T.E. Tezduyar, K. Takizawa, T. Brummer, and P.R. Chen, “Space–time fluid–structure interaction modeling of patient-specific cerebral aneurysms”, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering, 27 (2011) 1665–1710, 10.1002/cnm.1433
Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection: 80, Times Cited in Scopus: 92
Abstract: - [21]
- M. Manguoglu, K. Takizawa, A.H. Sameh, and T.E. Tezduyar, “Nested and parallel sparse algorithms for arterial fluid mechanics computations with boundary layer mesh refinement”, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 65 (2011) 135–149, 10.1002/fld.2415
Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection: 41, Times Cited in Scopus: 43
Abstract: - [20]
- Y. Bazilevs, M.-C. Hsu, I. Akkerman, S. Wright, K. Takizawa, B. Henicke, T. Spielman, and T.E. Tezduyar, “3D simulation of wind turbine rotors at full scale. Part I: Geometry modeling and aerodynamics”, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 65 (2011) 207–235, 10.1002/fld.2400
Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection: 274, Times Cited in Scopus: 342
Abstract: - [19]
- K. Takizawa, S. Wright, C. Moorman, and T.E. Tezduyar, “Fluid–structure interaction modeling of parachute clusters”, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 65 (2011) 286–307, 10.1002/fld.2359
Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection: 88, Times Cited in Scopus: 97
Abstract: - [18]
- K. Takizawa, C. Moorman, S. Wright, J. Purdue, T. McPhail, P.R. Chen, J. Warren, and T.E. Tezduyar, “Patient-specific arterial fluid–structure interaction modeling of cerebral aneurysms”, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 65 (2011) 308–323, 10.1002/fld.2360
Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection: 75, Times Cited in Scopus: 81
Abstract: - [17]
- K. Takizawa, C. Moorman, S. Wright, T. Spielman, and T.E. Tezduyar, “Fluid–structure interaction modeling and performance analysis of the Orion spacecraft parachutes”, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 65 (2011) 271–285, 10.1002/fld.2348
Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection: 65, Times Cited in Scopus: 78
Abstract: - [16]
- T.E. Tezduyar, K. Takizawa, C. Moorman, S. Wright, and J. Christopher, “Space–time finite element computation of complex fluid–structure interactions”, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 64 (2010) 1201–1218, 10.1002/fld.2221
Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection: 148, Times Cited in Scopus: 168
Abstract: - [15]
- K. Takizawa, C. Moorman, S. Wright, J. Christopher, and T.E. Tezduyar, “Wall shear stress calculations in space–time finite element computation of arterial fluid–structure interactions”, Computational Mechanics, 46 (2010) 31–41, 10.1007/s00466-009-0425-0
Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection: 83, Times Cited in Scopus: 93
Abstract: - [14]
- T.E. Tezduyar, K. Takizawa, C. Moorman, S. Wright, and J. Christopher, “Multiscale sequentially-coupled arterial FSI technique”, Computational Mechanics, 46 (2010) 17–29, 10.1007/s00466-009-0423-2
Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection: 77, Times Cited in Scopus: 84
Abstract: - [13]
- M. Manguoglu, K. Takizawa, A.H. Sameh, and T.E. Tezduyar, “Solution of linear systems in arterial fluid mechanics computations with boundary layer mesh refinement”, Computational Mechanics, 46 (2010) 83–89, 10.1007/s00466-009-0426-z
Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection: 45, Times Cited in Scopus: 45
Abstract: - [12]
- K. Takizawa, J. Christopher, T.E. Tezduyar, and S. Sathe, “Space–time finite element computation of arterial fluid–structure interactions with patient-specific data”, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering, 26 (2010) 101–116, 10.1002/cnm.1241
Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection: 103, Times Cited in Scopus: 114
Abstract: - [11]
- Y. Imai, T. Aoki, and K. Takizawa, “Conservative form of interpolated differential operator scheme for compressible and incompressible fluid dynamics”, Journal of Computational Physics, 227 (2008) 2263–2285, 10.1016/
Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection: 20, Times Cited in Scopus: 26
Abstract: - [10]
- K. Takizawa, K. Tanizawa, T. Yabe, and T.E. Tezduyar, “Ship hydrodynamics computations with the CIP method based on adaptive Soroban grids”, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 54 (2007) 1011–1019, 10.1002/fld.1466
Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection: 23, Times Cited in Scopus: 30
Abstract: - [ 9]
- T. Yabe, K. Takizawa, T.E. Tezduyar, and H.-N. Im, “Computation of fluid–solid and fluid–fluid interfaces with the CIP method based on adaptive Soroban grids — An overview”, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 54 (2007) 841–853, 10.1002/fld.1473
Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection: 17, Times Cited in Scopus: 20
Abstract: - [ 8]
- K. Takizawa, T. Yabe, Y. Tsugawa, T.E. Tezduyar, and H. Mizoe, “Computation of free–surface flows and fluid–object interactions with the CIP method based on adaptive meshless Soroban grids”, Computational Mechanics, 40 (2007) 167–183, 10.1007/s00466-006-0093-2
Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection: 66, Times Cited in Scopus: 77
Abstract: - [ 7]
- T. Yabe, K. Takizawa, M. Chino, M. Imai, and C.C. Chu, “Challenge of CIP as a universal solver for solid, liquid and gas”, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 47 (2005) 655–676, 10.1002/fld.830
Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection: 19, Times Cited in Scopus: 26
Abstract: - [ 6]
- K. Takizawa, T. Yabe, M. Chino, T. Kawai, K. Wataji, H. Hoshino, and T. Watanabe, “Simulation and experiment on swimming fish and skimmer by CIP method”, Computers & Structures, 83 (2005) 397–408, 10.1016/j.compstruc.2004.04.023
Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection: 8, Times Cited in Scopus: 9
Abstract: - [ 5]
- T. Yabe, H. Mizoe, K. Takizawa, H. Moriki, H. Im, and Y. Ogata, “Higher-order schemes with CIP method and adaptive Soroban grid towards mesh-free scheme”, Journal of Computational Physics, 194 (2004) 57–77, 10.1016/
Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection: 54, Times Cited in Scopus: 66
Abstract: - [ 4]
- T. Yabe, K. Takizawa, F. Xiao, T. Aoki, T. Himeno, T. Takahashi, and A. Kunimatsu, “A new paradigm of computer graphics by universal solver for solid, liquid and gas”, Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers International Journal. Ser. B, Fluids and Thermal Engineering, 47 (2004) 653–663, 10.1299/jsmeb.47.656
Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection: 1, Times Cited in Scopus: 1
Abstract: - [ 3]
- K. Takizawa, T. Yabe, and T. Nakamura, “Multi-dimensional semi-Lagrangian scheme that guarantees exact conservation”, Computer Physics Communications, 148 (2002) 137–159, 10.1016/S0010-4655(02)00472-1
Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection: 19, Times Cited in Scopus: 20
Abstract: - [ 2]
- T. Yabe, Y. Ogata, K. Takizawa, T. Kawai, A. Segawa, and K. Sakurai, “The next generation CIP as a conservative semi-Lagrangian solver for solid, liquid and gas”, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 149 (2002) 267–277, 10.1016/S0377-0427(02)00535-6
Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection: 22, Times Cited in Scopus: 31
Abstract: - [ 1]
- T. Nakamura, R. Tanaka, T. Yabe, and K. Takizawa, “Exactly conservative semi-Lagrangian scheme for multi-dimensional hyperbolic equations”, Journal of Computational Physics, 174 (2001) 171–207, 10.1006/jcph.2001.6888
Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection: 109, Times Cited in Scopus: 131
Other Journal Articles
- [ 7]
- K. Takizawa, Y. Bazilevs, T.E. Tezduyar, M.-C. Hsu, and T. Terahara, “Computational cardiovascular medicine with isogeometric analysis”, Journal of Advanced Engineering and Computation, 6 (2022) 167–199, 10.55579/jaec.202263.381
- [ 6]
- K. Takizawa, Y. Bazilevs, and T.E. Tezduyar, “Mesh moving methods in flow computations with the space–time and arbitrary Lagrangian–Eulerian methods”, Journal of Advanced Engineering and Computation, 6 (2022) 85–112, 10.55579/jaec.202262.377
- [ 5]
- K. Takizawa, Y. Bazilevs, T.E. Tezduyar, and A. Korobenko, “Computational flow analysis in aerospace, energy and transportation technologies with the variational multiscale methods”, Journal of Advanced Engineering and Computation, 4 (2020) 83–117, 10.25073/jaec.202042.279
- [ 4]
- Y. Bazilevs, K. Takizawa, T.E. Tezduyar, M.-C. Hsu, Y. Otoguro, H. Mochizuki, and M.C.H. Wu, “Wind turbine and turbomachinery computational analysis with the ALE and space–time variational multiscale methods and isogeometric discretization”, Journal of Advanced Engineering and Computation, 4 (2020) 1–32, 10.25073/jaec.202041.278
- [ 3]
- K. Takizawa, Y. Bazilevs, T.E. Tezduyar, and M.-C. Hsu, “Computational cardiovascular flow analysis with the variational multiscale methods”, Journal of Advanced Engineering and Computation, 3 (2019) 366–405, 10.25073/jaec.201932.245
- [ 2]
- K. Takizawa, T.E. Tezduyar, and T. Kanai, “Spacecraft-parachute computational analysis and compressible-flow extensions”, Japan Aeronautical and Space Sciences Magazine, 65 (2017) 280–283 in Japanese, 10.14822/kjsass.65.9_280
- [ 1]
- K. Takizawa and T.E. Tezduyar, “Main aspects of the space–time computational FSI techniques and examples of challenging problems solved”, Mechanical Engineering Reviews, 1 (2014) CM0005 inaugural issue, 10.1299/mer.2014cm0005
Chapters in Books
- [33]
- E. Wobbes, Y. Bazilevs, T. Kuraishi, Y. Otoguro, K. Takizawa, and T.E. Tezduyar, “Advanced IGA mesh generation and application to structural vibrations”, Frontiers in Computational Fluid–Structure Interaction and Flow Simulation: Research from Lead Investigators under Forty – 2023 (2023) 513–531, 10.1007/978-3-031-36942-1_15
Times Cited in Scopus: 5
Abstract: - [32]
- T. Terahara, K. Takizawa, and T.E. Tezduyar, “Heart valve computational flow analysis with boundary layer and leaflet contact representation”, Frontiers in Computational Fluid–Structure Interaction and Flow Simulation: Research from Lead Investigators under Forty – 2023 (2023) 437–475, 10.1007/978-3-031-36942-1_13
Times Cited in Scopus: 5
Abstract: - [31]
- Y. Taniguchi, K. Takizawa, Y. Otoguro, and T.E. Tezduyar, “An extended Kirchhoff–Love shell model with out-of-plane normal stress: Out-of-plane deformation”, Frontiers in Computational Fluid–Structure Interaction and Flow Simulation: Research from Lead Investigators under Forty – 2023 (2023) 389–435, 10.1007/978-3-031-36942-1_12
Times Cited in Scopus: 3
Abstract: - [30]
- Y. Otoguro, K. Takizawa, and T.E. Tezduyar, “Element length calculation for isogeometric discretization and complex geometries”, Frontiers in Computational Fluid–Structure Interaction and Flow Simulation: Research from Lead Investigators under Forty – 2023 (2023) 347–387, 10.1007/978-3-031-36942-1_11
Times Cited in Scopus: 3
Abstract: - [29]
- T. Kuraishi, K. Takizawa, T.E. Tezduyar, Z. Xu, S. Yamasaki, and R. Kaneko, “Multiscale space–time isogeometric analysis of car and tire aerodynamics with road contact and tire deformation: Full-domain computation to high-resolution tire-domain computations”, Frontiers in Computational Fluid–Structure Interaction and Flow Simulation: Research from Lead Investigators under Forty – 2023 (2023) 255–307, 10.1007/978-3-031-36942-1_9
Times Cited in Scopus: 6
Abstract: - [28]
- A. Castorrini, V.F. Barnabei, A. Corsini, F. Rispoli, K. Takizawa, and T.E. Tezduyar, “Computational fluid–structure interaction analysis of passive adaptive blades in turbomachinery applications”, Frontiers in Computational Fluid–Structure Interaction and Flow Simulation: Research from Lead Investigators under Forty – 2023 (2023) 33–58, 10.1007/978-3-031-36942-1_2
Times Cited in Scopus: 2
Abstract: - [27]
- K. Takizawa, T. Terahara, and T.E. Tezduyar, “Space–time flow computation with contact between the moving solid surfaces”, Current Trends and Open Problems in Computational Mechanics (2022) 517–525, 10.1007/978-3-030-87312-7_50
Times Cited in Scopus: 16
Abstract: - [26]
- T.E. Tezduyar, K. Takizawa, and T. Kuraishi, “Space–time computational FSI and flow analysis: 2004 and beyond”, Current Trends and Open Problems in Computational Mechanics (2022) 537–544, 10.1007/978-3-030-87312-7_52
Times Cited in Scopus: 17
Abstract: - [25]
- K. Takizawa, Y. Bazilevs, T.E. Tezduyar, and A. Korobenko, “Variational multiscale flow analysis in aerospace, energy and transportation technologies”, Parallel Algorithms in Computational Science and Engineering (2020) 235–280, 10.1007/978-3-030-43736-7_8
Times Cited in Scopus: 22
Abstract: - [24]
- T.J.R. Hughes, K. Takizawa, Y. Bazilevs, T.E. Tezduyar, and M.-C. Hsu, “Computational cardiovascular analysis with the variational multiscale methods and isogeometric discretization”, Parallel Algorithms in Computational Science and Engineering (2020) 151–193, 10.1007/978-3-030-43736-7_6
Times Cited in Scopus: 28
Abstract: - [23]
- Y. Bazilevs, K. Takizawa, T.E. Tezduyar, M.-C. Hsu, Y. Otoguro, H. Mochizuki, and M.C.H. Wu, “ALE and space–time variational multiscale isogeometric analysis of wind turbines and turbomachinery”, Parallel Algorithms in Computational Science and Engineering (2020) 195–233, 10.1007/978-3-030-43736-7_7
Times Cited in Scopus: 30
Abstract: - [22]
- A. Korobenko, Y. Bazilevs, K. Takizawa, and T.E. Tezduyar, “Recent advances in ALE-VMS and ST-VMS computational aerodynamic and FSI analysis of wind turbines”, Frontiers in Computational Fluid–Structure Interaction and Flow Simulation: Research from Lead Investigators under Forty – 2018 (2018) 253–336, 10.1007/978-3-319-96469-0_7
Times Cited in Scopus: 53
Abstract: - [21]
- K. Takizawa, T.E. Tezduyar, H. Uchikawa, T. Terahara, T. Sasaki, K. Shiozaki, A. Yoshida, K. Komiya, and G. Inoue, “Aorta flow analysis and heart valve flow and structure analysis”, Frontiers in Computational Fluid–Structure Interaction and Flow Simulation: Research from Lead Investigators under Forty – 2018 (2018) 29–89, 10.1007/978-3-319-96469-0_2
Times Cited in Scopus: 50
Abstract: - [20]
- T. Kuraishi, K. Takizawa, and T.E. Tezduyar, “Space–time computational analysis of tire aerodynamics with actual geometry, road contact and tire deformation”, Frontiers in Computational Fluid–Structure Interaction and Flow Simulation: Research from Lead Investigators under Forty – 2018 (2018) 337–376, 10.1007/978-3-319-96469-0_8
Times Cited in Scopus: 44
Abstract: - [19]
- Y. Otoguro, K. Takizawa, and T.E. Tezduyar, “A general-purpose NURBS mesh generation method for complex geometries”, Frontiers in Computational Fluid–Structure Interaction and Flow Simulation: Research from Lead Investigators under Forty – 2018 (2018) 399–434, 10.1007/978-3-319-96469-0_10
Times Cited in Scopus: 57
Abstract: - [18]
- K. Takizawa and T.E. Tezduyar, “Space–time computational analysis in energy applications”, Flow Simulation with the Finite Element Method (2017) 278–288
- [17]
- K. Takizawa and T.E. Tezduyar, “Space–time computational methods and applications”, Flow Simulation with the Finite Element Method (2017) 249–269
- [16]
- T. Sawada, H. Watanabe, K. Takizawa, and T.E. Tezduyar, “Fluid–structure interaction analysis”, Flow Simulation with the Finite Element Method (2017) 209–247
- [15]
- K. Takizawa, T.E. Tezduyar, T. Terahara, and T. Sasaki, “Heart valve flow computation with the Space–Time Slip Interface Topology Change (ST-SI-TC) method and Isogeometric Analysis (IGA)”, Biomedical Technology: Modeling, Experiments and Simulation (2018) 77–99, 10.1007/978-3-319-59548-1_6
Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection: 39, Times Cited in Scopus: 52
Abstract: - [14]
- K. Takizawa, T.E. Tezduyar, and T. Sasaki, “Estimation of element-based zero-stress state in arterial FSI computations with isogeometric wall discretization”, Biomedical Technology: Modeling, Experiments and Simulation (2018) 101–122, 10.1007/978-3-319-59548-1_7
Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection: 31, Times Cited in Scopus: 33
Abstract: - [13]
- A. Castorrini, A. Corsini, F. Rispoli, P. Venturini, K. Takizawa, and T.E. Tezduyar, “SUPG/PSPG computational analysis of rain erosion in wind-turbine blades”, Advances in Computational Fluid–Structure Interaction and Flow Simulation: New Methods and Challenging Computations (2016) 77–96, 10.1007/978-3-319-40827-9_7
Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection: 18, Times Cited in Scopus: 18
Abstract: - [12]
- H. Suito, K. Takizawa, V.Q.H. Huynh, D. Sze, T. Ueda, and T.E. Tezduyar, “A geometrical-characteristics study in patient-specific FSI analysis of blood flow in the thoracic aorta”, Advances in Computational Fluid–Structure Interaction and Flow Simulation: New Methods and Challenging Computations (2016) 379–386, 10.1007/978-3-319-40827-9_29
Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection: 34, Times Cited in Scopus: 41
Abstract: - [11]
- K. Takizawa and T.E. Tezduyar, “New directions in space–time computational methods”, Advances in Computational Fluid–Structure Interaction and Flow Simulation: New Methods and Challenging Computations (2016) 159–178, 10.1007/978-3-319-40827-9_13
Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection: 41, Times Cited in Scopus: 44
Abstract: - [10]
- T.E. Tezduyar, K. Takizawa, and Y. Bazilevs, “Fluid–structure interaction and flows with moving boundaries and interfaces”, Encyclopedia of Computational Mechanics Second Edition (2017), 10.1002/9781119176817.ecm2069
- [ 9]
- Y. Bazilevs, K. Takizawa, T.E. Tezduyar, M.-C. Hsu, N. Kostov, and S. McIntyre, “Computational wind-turbine analysis with the ALE-VMS and ST-VMS methods”, Numerical Simulations of Coupled Problems in Engineering, 33 (2014) 355–386, 10.1007/978-3-319-06136-8_14
Times Cited in Scopus: 1
Abstract: - [ 8]
- K. Takizawa, Y. Bazilevs, T.E. Tezduyar, M.-C. Hsu, O. Øiseth, K.M. Mathisen, N. Kostov, and S. McIntyre, “Computational engineering analysis and design with ALE-VMS and ST methods”, Numerical Simulations of Coupled Problems in Engineering, 33 (2014) 321–353, 10.1007/978-3-319-06136-8_13
Times Cited in Scopus: 5
Abstract: - [ 7]
- K. Takizawa, Y. Bazilevs, T.E. Tezduyar, C.C. Long, A.L. Marsden, and K. Schjodt, “Patient-specific cardiovascular fluid mechanics analysis with the ST and ALE-VMS methods”, Numerical Simulations of Coupled Problems in Engineering, 33 (2014) 71–102, 10.1007/978-3-319-06136-8_4
Times Cited in Scopus: 8
Abstract: - [ 6]
- K. Takizawa and T.E. Tezduyar, “Fluid–structure interaction modeling of patient-specific cerebral aneurysms”, Visualization and Simulation of Complex Flows in Biomedical Engineering, 12 (2014) 25–45, 10.1007/978-94-007-7769-9_2
Times Cited in Scopus: 5
Abstract: - [ 5]
- K. Takizawa, K. Schjodt, A. Puntel, N. Kostov, and T.E. Tezduyar, “Patient-specific computational fluid mechanics of cerebral arteries with aneurysm and stent”, Multiscale Simulations and Mechanics of Biological Materials (2013) 119–147
- [ 4]
- K. Takizawa, C. Moorman, S. Wright, and T.E. Tezduyar, “Computer modeling and analysis of the Orion spacecraft parachutes”, Fluid–Structure Interaction II – Modelling, Simulation, Optimization, 73 (2010) 53–81, 10.1007/978-3-642-14206-2_3
Times Cited in Scopus: 5
Abstract: - [ 3]
- T.E. Tezduyar, K. Takizawa, and J. Christopher, “Multiscale Sequentially-Coupled Arterial Fluid–Structure Interaction (SCAFSI) technique”, International Workshop on Fluid–Structure Interaction — Theory, Numerics and Applications (2009) 231–252
- [ 2]
- T. Yabe, Y. Ogata, and K. Takizawa, “Recent advances of multi-phase flow computation with the adaptive Soroban-grid cubic interpolated propagation (CIP) method”, Computational Fluid Dynamics 2006 (2009) 29–43, 10.1007/978-3-540-92779-2_3
- [ 1]
- T. Yabe, K. Takizawa, F. Xiao, and A. Ikebata, “Universal solver CIP for all phases of matter”, Recent Advances in Scientific Computing and Partial Differential Equations, 330 (2003) 203–222
Invited Conference Papers
- [42]
- K. Takizawa, D. Montes, M. Fritze, S. McIntyre, J. Boben, Y. Tsutsui, and T.E. Tezduyar, “FSI modeling of spacecraft parachute dynamics and cover separation”, Extended Abstracts of JSME 25th Computational Mechanics Division Conference (2012)
- [41]
- K. Takizawa, H. Takagi, and T.E. Tezduyar, “Effect of longitudinal prestress in arterial FSI”, Extended Abstracts of JSME 25th Computational Mechanics Division Conference (2012)
- [40]
- K. Takizawa and T.E. Tezduyar, “Space–time computational FSI techniques — Special technologies”, Lecture Notes on Finite Elements in Flow Problems — Basics and Applications (2012)
- [39]
- T.E. Tezduyar and K. Takizawa, “Space–time computational FSI techniques — Core technologies”, Lecture Notes on Finite Elements in Flow Problems — Basics and Applications (2012)
- [38]
- K. Takizawa and T.E. Tezduyar, “Space–time method and space–time VMS technique”, Lecture Notes on Finite Elements in Flow Problems — Basics and Applications (2012)
- [37]
- T.E. Tezduyar and K. Takizawa, “Stabilized formulations — Special techniques”, Lecture Notes on Finite Elements in Flow Problems — Basics and Applications (2012)
- [36]
- K. Takizawa and T.E. Tezduyar, “FSI coupling techniques”, Lecture Notes on Finite Elements in Flow Problems — Basics and Applications (2012)
- [35]
- T.E. Tezduyar and K. Takizawa, “Mesh update methods for flows with moving interfaces”, Lecture Notes on Finite Elements in Flow Problems — Basics and Applications (2012)
- [34]
- T.E. Tezduyar and K. Takizawa, “Introduction to computational fluid mechanics with computer-generated movies and pictures”, Lecture Notes on Finite Elements in Flow Problems — Basics and Applications (2012)
- [33]
- K. Takizawa, T. Spielman, and T.E. Tezduyar, “Dynamical analysis of parachute clusters”, Extended Abstracts of JSME-CMD International Computational Mechanics Symposium 2012 (2012)
- [32]
- K. Takizawa, T. Brummer, K. Schjodt, N. Kostov, A. Puntel, H. Takagi, and T.E. Tezduyar, “Patient-specific modeling of fluid–structure interaction and stenting in cerebral arteries with aneurysm”, Extended Abstracts of JSME-CMD International Computational Mechanics Symposium 2012 (2012)
- [31]
- T.E. Tezduyar and K. Takizawa, “Space-time computational fluid-structure interaction techniques”, Proceedings of the 19th National Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference (2012)
- [30]
- K. Takizawa, B. Henicke, A. Puntel, N. Kostov, and T.E. Tezduyar, “Space–time computational techniques for the aerodynamics of flapping locust wings”, Proceedings of International Workshop on Future of CFD and Aerospace Sciences (2012)
- [29]
- K. Takizawa, K. Schjodt, A. Puntel, N. Kostov, H. Takagi, S. Asada, and T.E. Tezduyar, “Patient-specific modeling of cerebral aneurysms with FSI and stent”, Proceedings of 17th Japan Society of Computational Engineering and Science Conference (2012)
- [28]
- K. Takizawa, M. Fritze, D. Montes, S. McIntyre, J. Boben, S. Tabata, Y. Tsutsui, and T.E. Tezduyar, “Computational modeling of parachute fluid–structure interaction”, Proceedings of 17th Japan Society of Computational Engineering and Science Conference (2012)
- [27]
- K. Takizawa, T.E. Tezduyar, and Y. Bazilevs, “FSI coupling techniques and iterative solution methods”, Lectures on Computational Fluid–Structure Interaction (2012)
- [26]
- T.E. Tezduyar, K. Takizawa, and Y. Bazilevs, “Mesh update methods for computation of flows with moving boundaries and interfaces”, Lectures on Computational Fluid–Structure Interaction (2012)
- [25]
- Y. Bazilevs, K. Takizawa, and T.E. Tezduyar, “Introductory computational structural mechanics”, Lectures on Computational Fluid–Structure Interaction (2012)
- [24]
- K. Takizawa, T.E. Tezduyar, and Y. Bazilevs, “Space–time method and Space–Time VMS technique”, Lectures on Computational Fluid–Structure Interaction (2012)
- [23]
- Y. Bazilevs, K. Takizawa, and T.E. Tezduyar, “ALE method and ALE-VMS technique”, Lectures on Computational Fluid–Structure Interaction (2012)
- [22]
- T.E. Tezduyar, K. Takizawa, and Y. Bazilevs, “Stabilized formulations in computational fluid mechanics and fluid–structure interaction”, Lectures on Computational Fluid–Structure Interaction (2012)
- [21]
- K. Takizawa and T.E. Tezduyar, “Space–time computational FSI techniques — Special technologies”, Lectures on Computational Fluid–Structure Interaction (2012)
- [20]
- T.E. Tezduyar and K. Takizawa, “Space–time computational FSI techniques — Core technologies”, Lectures on Computational Fluid–Structure Interaction (2012)
- [19]
- T.E. Tezduyar, K. Takizawa, and S. Wright, “Fluid–structure interaction modeling of spacecraft parachutes”, Extended Abstracts of the 61st National Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (2012)
- [18]
- K. Takizawa, S. Asada, N. Kostov, and T.E. Tezduyar, “Space–time formulation of fully-coupled fluid–object interaction”, Proceedings of the 25th Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference (2011)
- [17]
- K. Takizawa, M. Fritze, T. Spielman, C. Moorman, S. Tabata, and T.E. Tezduyar, “Space–time FSI computation of parachute disreefing”, Proceedings of the 25th Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference (2011)
- [16]
- K. Takizawa, S. Wright, J. Christopher, and T.E. Tezduyar, “Multiscale sequentially-coupled FSI computation in parachute modeling”, Structural Membranes 2011 (2011)
Times Cited in Scopus: 1
Abstract: - [15]
- K. Takizawa, T. Spielman, and T.E. Tezduyar, “Space–time FSI modeling of ringsail parachute clusters”, Structural Membranes 2011 (2011)
Abstract: - [14]
- K. Takizawa, T. Spielman, and T.E. Tezduyar, “Fluid–structure interaction modeling of ringsail parachute clusters”, Recent Progress in Fluid Dynamics Research, Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Fluid Mechanics (2011), 10.1063/1.3651825
Abstract: - [13]
- K. Takizawa, T. Spielman, and T.E. Tezduyar, “Space–time FSI modeling and dynamical analysis of ringsail parachute clusters”, Coupled Problems 2011 (2011)
Abstract: - [12]
- K. Takizawa and T.E. Tezduyar, “Multiscale space–time computation techniques”, Coupled Problems 2011 (2011)
Abstract: - [11]
- K. Takizawa, T. Brummer, T.E. Tezduyar, and P.R. Chen, “Comparative patient-specific FSI modeling of cerebral aneurysms”, Coupled Problems 2011 (2011)
Abstract: - [10]
- T. Yabe, Y. Ogata, T. Sugimoto, K. Takizawa, and K. Takahashi, “Soroban-Grid CIP method for ocean research and ship design – High performance computing with Earth Simulator -”, Parallel CFD 2009 (2009)
- [ 9]
- M. Manguoglu, K. Takizawa, A.H. Sameh, and T.E. Tezduyar, “Novel solvers for linear systems in computational fluid dynamics”, Marine 2009 (2009)
- [ 8]
- T.E. Tezduyar, K. Takizawa, J. Christopher, C. Moorman, and S. Wright, “Space–time finite element computation of complex FSI problems”, Coupled Problems 2009 (2009)
- [ 7]
- K. Takizawa, J. Christopher, C. Moorman, J. Martin, J. Purdue, T. McPhail, P.R. Chen, J. Warren, and T.E. Tezduyar, “Space–time finite element computation of arterial FSI with patient-specific data”, Coupled Problems 2009 (2009)
- [ 6]
- K. Takizawa, J. Christopher, C. Moorman, S. Wright, J. Martin, and T.E. Tezduyar, “Fluid–structure interaction modeling of the Orion spacecraft parachutes”, Coupled Problems 2009 (2009)
- [ 5]
- T.E. Tezduyar, K. Takizawa, and J. Christopher, “Sequentially-coupled FSI technique”, Marine 2009 (2009)
- [ 4]
- T.E. Tezduyar, K. Takizawa, J. Christopher, C. Moorman, and S. Wright, “Interface projection techniques for complex FSI problems”, Marine 2009 (2009)
- [ 3]
- K. Takizawa, S. Sathe, and T.E. Tezduyar, “Incompressible flow computations with the multi-moment and SUPG/PSPG formulations”, Proceedings of the Third Asian-Pacific Congress on Computational Mechanics (CD-ROM) (2007)
- [ 2]
- T. Yabe, K. Takizawa, and T.E. Tezduyar, “Computation of fluid–structure interactions with the CIP method based on adaptive meshless Soroban grids”, Marine 2007 (2007)
- [ 1]
- K. Takizawa, K. Tanizawa, T. Yabe, and T.E. Tezduyar, “Computational ship hydrodynamics with the CIP method”, Marine 2007 (2007)
Conference Papers
- [20]
- M. Omori, T. Kuraishi, K. Takizawa, and T.E. Tezduyar, “High spatial and temporal resolution computational analysis of flow between an engine cylinder and moving piston”, Proceedings of the 11th Pacific Symposium on Flow Visualization and Image Processing (2017)
- [19]
- H. Hattori, K. Takizawa, T.E. Tezduyar, K. Miyagawa, M. Nomi, M. Isono, H. Uchida, and M. Kawai, “Computational analysis of flow-driven string dynamics in a turbomachinery”, Proceedings of 13th Asian International Conference on Fluid Machinery (2015)
- [18]
- Y. Otoguro, T. Terahara, K. Takizawa, T.E. Tezduyar, T. Kuraishi, and H. Hattori, “A higher-order ST-VMS method for turbocharger analysis”, Proceedings of 13th Asian International Conference on Fluid Machinery (2015)
- [17]
- H. Mochizuki, K. Takizawa, H. Hattori, T.E. Tezduyar, L. Pan, and S. Mei, “ST-VMS computational analysis of vertical-axis wind-turbine aerodynamics”, Proceedings of 13th Asian International Conference on Fluid Machinery (2015)
- [16]
- T. Kuraishi, K. Takizawa, S. Tabata, S. Asada, and T.E. Tezduyar, “Multiscale thermo-fluid analysis of a tire”, Proceedings of the 19th Japan Society of Computational Engineering and Science Conference (2014)
- [15]
- Y. Tsutsui, N. Toh, T. Terahara, K. Takizawa, T.E. Tezduyar, and C. Boswell, “Ringsail-parachute design studies based on aerodynamic-moment computation with resolved geometric porosity”, Proceedings of 58th Symposium on Space Science and Technology (2014)
- [14]
- K. Takizawa, K. Schjodt, N. Kostov, A. Puntel, H. Takagi, and T.E. Tezduyar, “Patient-specific computer modeling of blood flow in cerebral arteries with aneurysm and stent”, Proceedings of Annual Meeting of Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers (2012)
- [13]
- T. Aoki, K. Sugihara, Y. Imai, and K. Takizawa, “High-accurate computation for compressible and incompressible fluid dynamics by multi-moment conservative scheme”, The 4th Japan-Taiwan Workshop on Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (2007)
- [12]
- K. Sugihara, K. Takizawa, and T. Aoki, “Partly semi-Lagrangian Runge-Kutta time integration for IDO scheme”, 12th Japan Society for Computational Engineering and Science Conference (2007)
- [11]
- K. Takizawa and T. Aoki, “Conservative Interpolated Differential Operator (IDO) scheme”, 12th Japan Society for Computational Engineering and Science Conference (2007)
- [10]
- T. Aoki, Y. Imai, and K. Takizawa, “Conservative Interpolated Differential Operator (IDO) scheme”, Proceedings of International Conference on Recent Development of Numerical Schemes for Flow Problems (2007)
- [ 9]
- K. Takizawa and T. Aoki, “Turbulent flow computations by conservative Interpolated Differential Operator (IDO) scheme”, Proceedings of International Conference on Recent Development of Numerical Schemes for Flow Problems (2007)
- [ 8]
- K. Takizawa and K. Tanizawa, “Computation of waves around a floating body by high accuracy CFD”, Conference Proceedings, The Japan Society of Naval Architects and Ocean Engineers (2006)
- [ 7]
- T. Nakamura, T. Ishikawa, T. Yabe, and K. Takizawa, “A new numerical solver for a 2-d non-linear-shallow water equation using a Soroban grid system”, Proceedings of Hydraulics Engineering, JSCE, 49 (2005) 685–690
- [ 6]
- K. Takizawa, T. Yabe, and T.E. Tezduyar, “Flow calculations with the Soroban CIP scheme”, Proceedings of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers 17th Computational Mechanics Conference (2004)
- [ 5]
- Y. Ogata, T. Yabe, K. Takizawa, and T. Ohkubo, “The analysis of electromagnetic waves using CIP scheme with Soroban grid”, Computational Fluid Dynamics 2004, 1 (2004) 141–146
- [ 4]
- M. Chino, K. Takizawa, and T. Yabe, “Experimental research on rotating skimmer”, Proceedings of FEDSM’03, 4th ASME–JSME Joint Fluids Engineering Conference (2003)
Times Cited in Scopus: 4
Abstract: - [ 3]
- K. Takizawa and T. Yabe, “Three-dimenisonal simulation of skimmer on water”, Proceedings of FEDSM’03, 4th ASME–JSME Joint Fluids Engineering Conference (2003)
Abstract: - [ 2]
- T. Yabe, F. Xiao, K. Takizawa, and K. Sakurai, “Three-phase flow calculation with conservative semi-Lagrangian CIP method”, ASME Joint U.S.–European Fluids Engineering Conference (2002)
Abstract: - [ 1]
- K. Takizawa and T. Yabe, “Development of multi dimensional conservative semi-Lagrangian scheme”, Proceedings of 14th Computational Fluid Dynamics, Japan Society of Fluid Mechanics (2000)
Publications Summary:
2 | Books |
8 | Edited Volumes |
135 | Journal Articles Indexed by the Web of Science |
7 | Other Journal Articles |
33 | Chapters in Books |
42 | Invited Conference Papers |
20 | Conference Papers |