Kuraishi receives JSCES 20th Anniversary Scholarship Award
Takashi Kuraishi receives 20th Anniversary JSCES Scholarship Award.
Takashi Kuraishi receives 20th Anniversary JSCES Scholarship Award.
Kuraishi receives Student Presentation Award at the 34th JSST Annual Conference International Conference on Simulation Technology (JSST 2015).
Kuraishi received the Best Student Presentation Award at the 18th International Conference on Finite Elements in Flow Problems (FEF2015), held in Taipei. He was selected from among 40 students.
The visualization co-authored by T. Kuraishi, K. Takizawa, S. Tabata, S. Asada, and T. E. Tezduyar was selected as Visualization Award for Outstanding Performance at 19th Japan Society for Computational… Visualization Award for Outstanding Performance
Takashi Kuraishi revives the third place prize in student poster session at Advances in Computational Fluid–Structure Interaction and Flow Simulation. This prize was selected by well-known scholars.